
I picked up a few pieces Coach Diaper

I alone Duanzhuo Qiang constantly looking around, alert and ready to attack the wolves. Other Sigma doctor quickly Lama and great man hiding Canqiang temple mobile, hands holding his gun Sigma, dizziness when his good looks, we go around the company commander and the communication involved in the death of the plot of weeds and finally back to the wall red residue, they Duanyuan blocking only the human breast high, I care Gema first child on the wall, they follow doubled in the past. Coach Diaper Bag The iron bars Lama takes care of the severely injured man great to see me with the Sigma back, he said: "; augury Sau Cheung Buddha bless Dakini regular army color Sigma Ram finally saved back." Having looked and looked at the moon in the sky, if the Kagyu (white teach), Gelugpa (Yellow Sect), Yu Ma faction (Red Sect), this temple full shadow of the Moon should be "; blank line static ", the high grass blanket of fog, however, have changed hell dark magic month the entire law of God, that place the sacred original in the cloud of Danse Macabre eight apocalyptic disaster VIII difficult either to punish that?
I anxiously Lama said: "; wolves outside are constantly together, we bullets and that much should be on trying to scare them, if not the dawn we had to leave these people are hungry wolf eats. "; Coach Diaper Bag Outlet Lama sighed: ";'re crazy wolf dare enter the temple and eat people." Then his old horse led to the wall, and this horse has never heard the cry all around her body jump as the Shaikang '. Kunlun Mountain Ranch several wolves have been concentrated outside the temple. Lama and his old horse in this life also heard so many months wolves howl, wolves cornered, do not care for is the Buddha's disciples. Then the song useless. Lama remove dry wood fire of cow dung myeloid Canqiang lit the fire in the position where we are, is between residues Piandian address fields, surrounded by a circle of damage to walls at different levels, including The Wall is relatively high, the wall fell walking on the beam to remove. Another aspect is the diameter Zhenmiao possession of the monument, the inscription "; edicts Karmapa", the huge dilapidated monument not less than five feet tall, wolves difficult to come from this side, but also for avoid the wolf climbing the ladder from a height jump in.
Sigma look to see the big man's injury seems,Coach Diaper after expressing his great luck this time, I picked up a few pieces of dry wood rafters in the rubble on fire, the flame that burns more prosperous and then pick the great man that semi-automatic rifle for Sigma hold on the two sides of a low wall with it. Wolf howling his shot low into the wall, I see, the more wolves the ridge next to the ruined temple nearby, saw the Duanyuan weeds, the passage of several shadow wolf jump, they clearly saw the wall fire before Garnett ordered, did not dare touch it, and around the turn of the ruined temple. I see from a distance of 40 meters from the square, the little green light Langyan, I immediately raised his gun, three points online for the middle of two light green, press the trigger, as the night was still ball, two green light to go off at the same time, even if they can not confirm whether to hit the target, but plan to play the role of Qiaoshanzhenhu desert wolves fear the most in these days, is five or six shooting his semi-automatic rifle, fear play their semi-automatic rifles can crush their souls and artifacts confident the rest of the wolf is not afraid to stay in the neighborhood, are hidden in the darkness, low but the howling of wolves expressed just temporarily moved and will not stop there.
I see the wolves away the nerves relaxed, just think things Miaohou Kofun encountered on the way, I felt weird, half the soil Shiren and whole body full of rotting green meat,Coach Outlet he casually asked old lama, human and animal previous to miss these things, whether it? I did not expect Lama has never heard of this temple, stone rotten fish this portrait Lama so I tell him in detail, I thought you asked me, I did went to ask what I thought very understanding Lama , ruined temple in the case of an original which is usually poor guy old, so the side of the gazebo outside the temple trends wolves, while just after Lama said again.

